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  • Billie McCain

To All the Mothers, I Give You Your Flowers

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I am not a mother but I think to be one takes bravery, strength and tenacity. To carry a child for 9 months, your body undergoes a metamorphosis. And then you give birth to a precious life only to be sleep deprived for the first few weeks or even months as your baby adapts to this strange new world. I admire you.

James Baldwin wrote in No Name in the Street, “A newborn baby is an extraordinary event; and I have never seen two babies who looked or even sounded remotely alike. Here it is, this breathing miracle who could not live an instant without you, with a skull more fragile than an egg, a miracle of eyes, legs, toenails, and (especially) lungs.”

And you brought this miracle into the world.

The name BraveBold is an embodiment of the women I photograph. I’m honored to be able to capture this special moment of you and your family. And I remind you today to take a breath and appreciate all you have accomplished.

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